Following is detailed information about the therapy programs College Park Speech and Language Clinic offers, including details about the specific disorder and how we would work with you to treat the problem.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not participate with any insurance carriers, and as a result we are PROHIBITED from accepting any Medicare/Medicaid patients, even those who may wish to self-pay. Also, in most cases, we do NOT provide services to infants or toddlers.
Dysfluency in Preschoolers
Information for parents of preschoolers with dysfluency
Young School-Aged Children Who Stutter
Information for parents of young school-aged children who stutter
Language & Learning Disabilities in Children
Identifying and treating language and learning disabilities in children
Adults Who Stutter
Information and therapy for adults who stutter
Treating Reading Disorders
What is a reading disorder and how is it treated?
Voice Disorders
What is a voice disorder? How is it treated?